Rebranding the IBM Cognos Interface

You can re-brand the product by globally replacing all instances of the company name and logo with new text and appropriate brand images.

Re-sellers and partners may use a brand-neutral version of the IBM® Cognos® splash screen image.

Graphics for IBM Cognos software are created using a Web-safe color palette. They are saved as non-interlaced GIF files. All interface icons are created with a transparent background, shown as the color Magenta.

Changing Brand-related Graphic

The brand-related graphics are grouped together in a directory named c10_location/webcontent/skins/style/branding where style represents each style directory. Depending on the style you use, see Predefined Styles, you change the graphics in the associated style directories.

You can replace individual IBM Cognos images, which are generally GIF files, with alternatives of a more suitable size or design.

To help you locate the correct graphics, note that those used with the product components typically have file names beginning with the prefix tools_. This differentiates them from object or action-related graphics, which typically have file names beginning with the prefix icon_.

Tip: To change the text in a graphic, such as the acronym Business Intelligence, open the relevant file in a graphics editor, replace the text, and resave the graphic in .GIF format.

Adding Custom Messages

You can add your own custom messages, such as reseller copyright information, to the existing text in the About box. However, note that you are legally required to maintain the existing IBM Cognos copyright notice.

Checking Global Text Changes

When you are finished making global text changes, we recommend that you check them in all the interfaces exposed to your users. Pay particular attention to browser page captions and generic dialog boxes, which are easy to miss.