Restore backup files for the samples databases

To use the IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence samples, you must restore backup files for the samples databases. This action creates multilingual versions of the Samples Outdoors databases.

The following sample databases and associated files are provided with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence. For Microsoft SQL Server, each database is delivered as a Microsoft SQL Server backup file. For Oracle, uncompress the file that is named GS_DB_ORA.tar.gz. For IBM DB2, uncompress the file that is named GS_DB.tar.gz. Databases can be found in the following locations.

Table 1. IBM DB2 and Oracle samples back up locations


File Location





Table 2. IBM DB2 sample databases and associated files

Database or schema description

File name

Great Outdoors sales


Great Outdoors retailers


Great Outdoors sales data warehouse


Great Outdoors market research


Great Outdoors human resources


Table 3. Microsoft SQL Server databases and files

Database or schema description

File name

Great Outdoors sales

Great Outdoors retailers

Great Outdoors sales data warehouse

Great Outdoors market research

Great Outdoors human resources

Table 4. Oracle databases and files

Database or schema description

File name

Great Outdoors sales


Great Outdoors retailers


Great Outdoors sales data warehouse


Great Outdoors market research


Great Outdoors human resources


To restore the samples databases, ensure that you take the following actions:

IBM DB2 samples

The data files for db2move (a database movement tool command) and the scripts to add constraints are in the data directory. The data directory is created when you extract the GS_DB.tar.gz file.

If you use WinZip to extract the DB2 move file on in a Microsoft Windows environment, ensure that the TAR file smart CR/LF conversion option is not selected.

After you extract the DB2 move file, restore the schemas to a database named GS_DB.

To add views, constraints, user privileges, and stored procedures to GS_DB, prepare and run the gs_db_modify files that are included with the samples in the following order:

  1. Update the user name and password in gs_db_modify.sql and save it.
  2. Run gs_db_modify.bat
Note: If the script file attempts to create a stored procedure where the procedure does not exist an error is generated. This error does not affect the samples.

Memory requirements are affected by the size and type of your database system. The GO sample database whose tables are organized by column might require more memory than the typical row-based setup.

Oracle samples

To create foreign key constraints in tables that reference different schemas, you must run gs_or_modify.sql, found in the same folder as the .dmp files.