Add a New Style

You add a new style to create the style object in Content Manager and to associate it with the style resources in the product directory.

Use this functionality to add a custom style or to create different styles based on the existing style resources. For example, you can add a new style named blue and associate it with the corporate style resources in the c10_location/webcontent/skins/corporate directory.

Before you can add a custom style, the style resources must exist in the c10_location/webcontent/skins directory. For more information about customizing styles, see Creating a Custom Style.


  1. In IBM Cognos Connection, click Launch, IBM Cognos Administration.
  2. On the Configuration tab, click Styles.

    The new style wizard appears.

  3. Click the new style button New style icon.
  4. Type a name for the style and, if you want, a screen tip and description.

    The style name can be any word or phrase you want. It does not need to match the name of the product directory where the style resources are located.

    Tip: You can specify the style name, description, and screen tip only in the product language you currently use. To specify these values for different languages, you can later modify the style. For more information, see Modify a Style.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Specify the location of the style resources:
    • In the Style resources location box, type the name of the style directory in the c10_location/webcontent/skins directory where the style resources are located.

      You can specify one of the predefined style directories, such as corporate, classic or modern, or a custom directory, if one exists. For more information about using custom styles, see Creating a Custom Style.

    • In the Preview resource box, type the location of the preview resource for the style.

      An example of a preview resource can be a Web server page, a video, or an image.

      Specify only a file name when the preview resource is located in the default location, which is the c10_location/webcontent/skins/style_name directory. If the location is different, specify a relative path including a file name.

  7. Click Finish.