Add or Modify Command Blocks for a Connection

Connections acquire properties from their parent data source.

If you have added a command block for a data source, then that command block is available to Oracle, DB2®, or Microsoft SQL Server connections in that data source. You can change a command block for a specific connection, and you can remove the command block if you do not want it used for the connection.


  1. Create a connection or modify a connection, choosing Oracle, IBM DB2, or one of the Microsoft SQL Server data sources as the data source type.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click Set or Edit next to the command block that you want to modify.

    The Acquired column shows Yes or No to indicate whether the connection acquires properties from its parent data source.

  4. In the set command page, add or modify the XML code command block, and click OK.

    Tip: You can reset command blocks by selecting the check box next to the connections clicking Reset to parent value or Clear.

    If you are using DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server, you can only add commands block for opening a session.

  5. Continue adding or modifying command blocks, as required.
  6. Click Finish.