Apply the Conversions and Substitutions

If you do not apply changes when you save, you can apply the data later. Based on information saved in the file c10_location/bin/shift-jis.xml, two files are generated:
  • for substitution data, i18n_res.xml
  • for conversion data, ibm-943_P14A-2000.cnv

About this task

When you apply the data, by default, characters are not checked for round trip safety. When you set the configuration mode, you may choose to check for round trip safety by selecting the option that returns a conversion error at run time for characters that are not round trip safe. This can be useful to initially detect which Shift-JIS characters must be configured.


  1. Stop IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence.
  2. In the Round Trip Safety Configuration utility, from the Tools menu, click Set the configuration mode.
  3. Specify whether you want characters checked for round trip safety.
  4. From the Tools menu, click Configure.
  5. Start IBM Cognos BI.