Changing the default processing of burst reports

Starting with version 10.2.1, internal processing of burst reports in IBM® Cognos® BI is different than in earlier versions of the product. You can change the product defaults to revert to the type of processing that was used in earlier versions of the product.

About this task

To change the product defaults for burst reports processing, use the following advanced settings:

This setting corresponds to the Run in parallel option in the user interface.

Values: true (default) or false

When you change the default value, burst reports run sequentially in one process, which takes more time.

This setting corresponds to the Use query prefetching option in the user interface. This functionality is applicable to dynamic query mode relational models only.

Values: true or false (default)

When you change the default value, you enable query prefetching. As a result, the burst report outputs are produced much faster because the queries run in parallel with the report rendering.

To complete the process, you must also modify the xqe.config.xml file. For more information, see Enabling query prefetching.

This setting corresponds to the Maximum key limit option in the user interface.

Values: Positive integer. The default is 1000. The value of 0 sets no limit on this parameter.

Setting the key limit lets you avoid complex SQL clauses when the RSVP.BURST_DISTRIBUTION setting is set to true.

The settings must be changed globally, for the whole IBM Cognos environment.

For information about running burst reports, see Setting advanced report options for the current run.


  1. Follow the steps in the topic Configuring advanced settings globally.
  2. Type the setting that you want to change and specify its new default value.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Restart the IBM Cognos service.