Check the Target Report

Check the target report to make sure the drill-through will work.


  1. Open the target report:
    • In IBM® Cognos® Connection, go to Public Folders, Samples, Models, GO Data Warehouse (query), Report Studio Report Samples.
    • Locate the report Compensation (hidden) and open it in Report Studio.
      Tip: If you do not see the report, go to IBM Cognos Connection and confirm that you can view hidden reports (My Preferences, General tab).
  2. In Report Studio, from the Data menu, click Filters and check what filter parameters are available.

    You want to filter from the source report on department, not time, so you will only use the pPosition parameter in the drill-through definition.

  3. In the report body, select the list column body Position-department (level 3) and review the data item properties.

    Because the drill-through definition goes from DMR to relational, the data item values will need to match.

  4. Close the Compensation (hidden) report.