Using an XML Editor or Text Editor

Create a report specification for your custom report template by using an XML editor or a text editor.


  1. Open the report specification in an XML editor or text editor.
  2. Add the elements you want to appear in your template.

    For more information, see the Developer Guide.

  3. Add a new template element as a parent of the report element.

    The name you enter appears as the name of the template in the new report dialog box.

  4. Add a name attribute to the template element.

    The name you enter appears as the name of the template in the new report dialog box.

  5. Add a <modelPath/> element for the report element.

    Here is a partial example of the XML for the template created in Using Report Studio.

    <xmlFragment> <template name="List_corporate"> <report> <modelPath/> ... </template> </xmlFragment>

  6. Save the report specification.