Create and Test the Drill-Through Definition

Create and test the drill-through definition to make sure it works.

Before you begin

To run reports, or drill to targets that run reports in the delimited text (CSV), PDF, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS), or XML output formats, you require the generate output capability for the specific format.


  1. Open the source report:
    • In IBM® Cognos® Connection, go to Public Folders, Samples, Models, GO Data Warehouse (analysis), Report Studio Report Samples.
    • Locate the Employee Satisfaction 2012 report and open it in Report Studio.
  2. Save the Employee Satisfaction 2012 report with a new name, such as Employee Satisfaction 2012 New.

    This is to keep the original report and drill-through definition intact for comparison.

  3. In the table Employee rankings and terminations by department, select the column Position-department (level 3).
  4. In the properties pane, review the data item properties, to confirm that the data item names match values in the target report.
  5. In the properties pane, under Data, double-click Drill-through definitions.
  6. Select the definition DrilltoHiddenRep and delete it.

    Note: In the following steps, you recreate the drill-through definition. For comparison, use the original sample report.

  7. In the Drill-through Definitions box, click the new drill-through definition button.
  8. Click the rename button, and type a name for the drill-through definition.

    Tip: This is the name that consumers see when they select from a list of possible drill-through definitions in the final report.

  9. In the Target Report tab, select the target report:
    • Under Report, click the ellipsis button.
    • Navigate to GO Data Warehouse (query), Report Studio Report Samples, and select the Compensation (hidden) report.

      Tip: If you do not see the report, go to IBM Cognos Connection and confirm that you can see hidden reports (My Preferences, General tab).

  10. Under Action, select Run the report.
  11. Under Parameters, click the edit button.

    A table of parameters available in the target report appears, showing the parameter pPosition.

  12. Map the parameter from the Compensation (Hidden) report to the metadata in the Employee Satisfaction 2012 report:
    • In the Method column, select Pass data item value, because the target report is based on a relational data source.
    • In the Value column, select Position-department (level 3).
      Tip: In this report, you pass values from the column where the drill-through is defined. In other cases, you might pass a related parameter. For example, you could drill through on employee name, but pass the employee number.
  13. Save the report.
  14. Run the report, and click a department to test the drill-through definition.


When you test the drill-through link, the Compensation (hidden) report appears, filtered by the department you selected. The report appears as a drill-through target whether or not it is hidden in IBM Cognos Connection.

If your administrator has given you the Drill Through Assistant capability, then you can see additional information you right-click on the link and select Go To see a list of drill-through targets. From the Go To page, you can see what source values are passed, and what target parameters are mapped.