Impersonating a tenant

As a system administrator or a tenant administrator, you can impersonate a single tenant to view and interact with the content from the tenant perspective. When impersonating a tenant, you can perform all tasks that this tenant is allowed to perform and remain logged on to the system.

System administrators can impersonate all tenants that are defined in the content store. Tenant administrators can impersonate only those tenants that they are allowed to administer.


  1. Log on to IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence as a system administrator or a tenant administrator. For more information, see Tenant administration.
  2. In IBM Cognos Connection or IBM Cognos Administration, in the main header, click the Impersonate Tenant Impersonate tenant icon icon.
    Tip: In IBM Cognos Administration, system administrators can also start impersonating tenants from the Multitenancy tab. From the Actions drop-down menu for any tenant, click Impersonate.

    The Tenant Impersonation header is displayed.

  3. In the tenant selection box, click the drop-down icon, and select the tenant that you want to impersonate.

    The tenant name is displayed in the selection box. If the Show tenant's content only check box is selected (default), system administrators or tenant administrators can see only the content associated with the selected tenant. If the Show tenant's content only check box is cleared, system administrators can see the content for all tenants in the content store, and tenant administrators can see content for all tenants that they can administer.

  4. Perform the tasks that you planned to perform for the selected tenant.

    If you want to modify or create content for another tenant, select that tenant in the selection box.

  5. Click the Close icon Close icon in the Tenant Impersonation header to finish the tenant impersonation session.