Modifying properties for the batch report service and the report service

You can specify advanced properties for the batch report service and the report service to generate customized report outputs.

The following properties can be specified:

Specifies that report prompt values that are entered by a user should be saved automatically.

Default: false

Specifies that each chart instance assigns colors in palette order, and does not attempt to preserve the color of items from one chart instance to another.

Default: false

Specifies to use XLS as the file extension on XLS output format email attachments instead of HTML.

Default: false

Specifies whether rules are applied to values specified by any URL values that are contained within a report specification. CAF must be enabled for this setting to take effect.

Default: false

Specifies that each character in a string is displayed in the preferred font. The preferred font is any font listed in a report specification, followed by the fonts listed in the global styles cascading stylesheet (css) file. When a character is not available in the preferred font, it is displayed using the next font on the list.

In previous versions of IBM® Cognos® BI, a font was used only if all characters in a string could be displayed using that font. Starting with IBM Cognos BI 10.1, the preferred font is applied at the character level. As a result, one word can be displayed using different fonts, or some fonts might be bigger, which can cause word wrapping.

Set the parameter value to false to restore the font-choosing behavior of earlier versions of IBM Cognos BI.

Default: true

Specifies the rounding rule for data formatting.

In previous versions of IBM Cognos BI, the halfEven rule was used when rounding numbers. This rule is often used in bookkeeping. However, precision regulations in some regions require different rounding rules, for example, the halfUp rule. Starting with IBM Cognos BI version 10.2.0, you can choose a rounding rule that complies with the precision regulations in your organization.

The following rounding rules are available:

Rounds to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded to the nearest even neighbor.
Rounds to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded down.
Rounds to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded up.
Rounds to a more positive number.
Rounds to a more negative number.
Rounds towards zero.
Rounds away from zero.

Default: halfEven

If a property is not specified or its value is empty, the default setting is used.


  1. Follow the steps in the section Configuring advanced settings for specific services.
  2. For the BatchReportService and the ReportService services, in the Parameter column type any of the parameters listed in this section. For example, type RSVP.FILE.EXTENSION.XLS. You can specify multiple parameters.
  3. In the Value column, type the corresponding value for the parameter.
  4. Click OK.