Setting parameters caching for reports

For an IBM Cognos Business Intelligence report, you can override the server setting for parameters caching. In the report specification, add the XML attribute paramsCacheDisabled and set the value to true or false.

About this task

For information on deciding whether to enable parameters caching for reports, see Parameters cache.

If the value for the advanced property RSVP.PARAMSCACHEDISABLED is true at the server level, to enable parameters caching for a report, in the report specification, add the following attribute:

<XMLAttribute name="paramsCacheDisabled" value="false"/>

If the value for the advanced property RSVP.PARAMSCACHEDISABLED is false at the server level, to disable parameters caching for a report, in the report specification, add the following attribute:

<XMLAttribute name="paramsCacheDisabled" value="true"/>


  1. In Report Studio, click Tools > Copy Report to Clipboard.
  2. Copy the report specification from the Clipboard to an XML editor.
  3. Add the paramsCacheDisabled attribute to the <XMLAttributes> of the report with a true or a false value as follows:
    • <XMLAttribute name="paramsCacheDisabled" value="true"/>
    • <XMLAttribute name="paramsCacheDisabled" value="false"/>
  4. Copy the revised report specification to the Clipboard.
  5. In Report Studio, click Tools > Open Report from Clipboard, and click OK. The report is loaded back into Report Studio with the modified report specification.