Create a Login Template File and a Locale-sensitive Template File

To set up and configure a login page, you must create a login template file.

The template file is where you make login page customizations. You can create locale-sensitive template files. If locale-sensitive templates are required, you must create a template file for each locale.


  1. Create a template file with an .xhtml extension and add it to the <installation_location>/webcontent/ps/login directory. For example, myGateway1Template.xhtml.
  2. Optionally, create a locale-sensitive template by appending a locale identifier to the template filename. For example, myGateway1Template_en.xhtml contains the 'en' locale identifier. To support English and French, you must create the following template files:



    At run time, the customizing JavaScript engine searches for the appropriate template using the active session locale. If the template cannot be found, the login page defaults to the basic login page.