Check the Target and Source Reports

You can check the target and source reports to ensure that drill-through will work properly.

Before you begin

You must have the IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence samples from the deployment zip file IBM_Cognos_DrillThroughSamples installed to follow this exercise. By default, the samples are installed in the Public Folders in IBM Cognos Connection.

To run reports, or drill to targets that run reports in the delimited text (CSV), PDF, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS), or XML output formats, you require the generate output capability for the specific format.


  1. Run the target report:
    • In IBM Cognos Connection, go to the Sales and Marketing (conformed) package, and open the folder Report Studio Report Samples.
    • Run Promotion Plan Revenue in IBM Cognos Viewer.
  2. Note what information is available in the target, and how you will filter it. In this example, you filter on the campaign name.
  3. Close the target report Promotion Plan Revenue.
  4. Open the source report:
    • In IBM Cognos Connection, go to the Sales and Marketing (cube) package and open the Analysis Studio Report Samples folder.
    • Select Top 10 Promotions by Retailer, and open it in Analysis Studio.
    • Note the names of the dimension and level that you want use to drill through. In this example, you will drill through on Campaign.
  5. Keep the Top 10 Promotions by Retailer report open for testing.