Changing data source connection settings

You can change data source connection settings by modifying the CQEConfig.xml.sample file with a text editor.


  1. On each computer where IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence is installed, open the c10_location/configuration/CQEConfig.xml.sample file in a text editor.

    Ensure that your editor supports saving files in UTF-8 format.

  2. Find the Timeout and PoolSize parameters and edit them as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration company="Cognos" version="#.#"
      <component name="CQE">
        <section name="DBConnectionPool">
          <!-- Description: Database connection timeout.
           Default is 900 seconds (15minutes) --> 
          <entry name="Timeout" value="number_of_seconds"/>
          <!-- -->
          <!-- Description: Database connection pool size. -->
          <!-- Maximum number of connections managed by the report
               server. Default=50 -->
          <entry name="PoolSize" value="number_of_connections"/>
  3. Save the file as CQEConfig.xml to the c10_location/configuration directory.
  4. Using IBM Cognos Configuration, stop and then restart the IBM Cognos service.

    For information about stopping services, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.