Edit a Page

You can change the page content, layout and style, and access permissions. For example, you may want to see a different report, or change the list of users who can access the page.

When you create a page, you can specify a title and instructions for the page only in the product language you currently use. For example, if you use the French version of IBM® Cognos® software, you can type the title and instructions in French only. After the page is created, you can add the title and instructions for other language versions by editing the page properties on the Page Style tab.


  1. Go to the page you want to edit.
  2. Click the edit page button Edit page icon.

    Tip: Alternatively, locate the page in IBM Cognos Connection, and click its set properties button.

  3. Change the page properties as required.

    For more information about changing the page content, layout, and style, see Create a Page.

    For more information about setting the page access permissions, see Share a Page.