Modify a Portlet

Portlets provide different types of information for pages.

You can modify the content of an instance of a portlet in a page if you have the required permissions for the page. For more information, see Share a Page. You will retain the custom settings even if the administrator resets the portlet. Other users who also have access to the page that contains this portlet instance will also see the changes. However, if the administrator locks the portlet, you cannot configure it.

The configurable properties for the Cognos® portlets vary. For more information, click the help button in the portlet title bar.


  1. Go to the page that contains the portlet.
  2. In the portlet title bar, click the edit button Edit icon.
  3. Edit the properties as required.

    Tip: If you want to go back to the default settings, click the reset button.

  4. Click OK.