Configuring the tenant bounding set that is based on a user account attribute

You can designate a specific user account attribute in your authentication provider to map to the tenant bounding set. Multitenancy must already be enabled.

You need to map the user account attribute to the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping > Pattern property in IBM® Cognos® Configuration.

Before you begin

After you choose, in your authentication provider, a user account attribute that you want to map to the tenant bounding set, you must create a custom property and map it to the user account attribute.

You can use the departmentNumber attribute of an LDAP user account to identify the user's bounding set. In this case, you can set the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping, Pattern property as shown in the following example: ~/parameters/bounding_set. Next, you specify a custom property named bounding_set and associate this property with the user account attribute departmentNumber


  1. Open IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. Choose whether to configure this setting globally for all namespaces, or for a specific namespace.
    • To configure this setting for all namespaces, in the Explorer window, for the Security category, click Authentication.
    • To configure this setting for one namespace, in the Explorer window, for the Security category, click Authentication. Then, click the namespace that you want to configure.
  3. In the Multitenancy group of properties, click the edit button for the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping property.
  4. In the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping Mapping box that is displayed, specify your mapping in the following way:
    1. For Type, select Pattern.
    2. For Value, type the string that you created that is based on the instructions earlier in this topic.

      For example, type ~/parameters/boundingSet, where ~/parameters is a constant part of the syntax, and boundingSet is the custom property name.

    3. Click OK.
  5. In the Account Mappings (Advanced) group of properties, specify the custom property and map it to the account attribute in the following way:
    1. Click in the Value column for Custom properties, and click the edit button.
    2. In the Value - Custom properties window, click Add.
    3. In the Name column, type the custom property name. In the Value column, type the name of the attribute. For the example that is used in step 4, the custom property should be: boundingSet for Name and departmentNumber for Value.
    4. Click OK.
  6. Test your multitenancy configuration.
    1. Right-click either Authentication or the namespace (depending on your choice in step 2) and click Test.
    2. Log on using the credentials of the system administrator, and click OK.
    3. Click the Details button and read the information that is displayed.

    If this setting is properly configured, the Tenant bounding set property value is displayed in the details. If this setting is not displayed, ensure that the value is correct and test again.

  7. If the testing was successful, from the File menu, click Save.
  8. Restart the IBM Cognos service for the changes to take effect.