Configure the Portlet Cache

Portal Services caches HTML markup fragments that are used to quickly regenerate recent views of portlet pages. These markup fragments are compressed and stored in the user's session object. You can configure the number of pages stored for each user's portlet.

The size of the markup fragment for each page depends on the complexity of the portlet, but they are typically about 5KB. By default, the cache stores ten pages for each user's portlet.


  1. On the Administration tab, click Portlet Management, Web Modules.
  2. Click the portlet applications file CognosBIPortlets.war.
  3. In the portlet applications list, click the application you want.
  4. For the portlet you want to set the cache size, click the configure portlet button Configure portlet icon.
  5. For the Maximum Cached Pages property, enter the maximum number of pages you want to cache.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each portlet.
  8. Restart the IBM® Cognos® service.