Prepare the Environment

Before you map user logon credentials, you must perform certain tasks in the security environment.


  1. Configure the gateway URI that will be used by Portal Services to require authentication using HTTP Basic Authentication.

    For information about configuring a URL to use HTTP Basic Authentication, see the documentation for the gateway or for your Web server.

  2. Adjust the iView configuration to access the secure URL.

    For information, see the documentation for your Web server.

  3. In IBM® Cognos® Configuration, configure a namespace to authenticate portal users.

    For instructions, see the topic about configuring LDAP, or IBM Cognos Series 7 authentication providers in the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  4. If you use an LDAP namespace, configure the following properties:
    • For the Use external identity property, change the setting to True.
    • For the External identity mapping property, set it to


    Other properties may be required. For more information, see the topic about configuring IBM Cognos components to use LDAP in the Installation and Configuration Guide.