Repeating crosstab labels in CSV output format

By default, labels are not repeated for a nested cross-tab when the output is in CSV format.

This ensures upgrade compatibility with previous builds of IBM® Cognos® software. However, you can have nested crosstab row and column labels repeat in CSV format output by setting the report server advanced property RSVP.CSV.REPEAT_XTAB_LABELS to True.

RSVP.CSV.REPEAT_XTAB_LABELS is a system level setting that applies to all CSV files. In a distributed environment using multiple dispatchers, ensure that you set this property for the report service and batch report service for each dispatcher. The same report server advanced property also applies to charts, which appear in a similar fashion to crosstabs, when output to CSV format.


  1. Follow the steps in the section Configuring advanced settings for specific services.
  2. For the BatchReportService, type RSVP.CSV.REPEAT_XTAB_LABELS in the Parameter column.
  3. Set the value for this parameter to True, and click OK.
  4. Repeat the same steps for the ReportService.