Create an Ad-hoc Task

Create an ad-hoc task to send a task to the task inbox of the recipients you specify.

You can add deadlines to an ad-hoc task when you create it. Alternatively, potential owners or stakeholders can add deadlines at a later date, by updating the task from their task inbox.

You can set up notification options for the task owner to receive e-mails when

  • an ad-hoc task is not completed by the due date
  • an ad-hoc task is not started by the start date
Note: Stakeholders are also copied on these e-mails.

In addition, you can set up notification options for the task owner and all stakeholders to receive e-mails when

  • the status of an ad-hoc task changes (started, completed or canceled)
  • the owner of an ad-hoc task changes
  • a comment is added to an ad-hoc task
Note: Potential owners and stakeholders can unsubscribe from receiving specific notifications by updating the task from their task inbox.


  1. View your task inbox.
  2. From the task drop-down list, select New Task New task icon.
  3. In the reading pane, click Add/Remove recipients.

    The Select recipients page appears.

  4. Select the required users, groups, roles, and distribution lists to add as potential owners and stakeholders.
    • To choose from listed entries, click the appropriate namespace, and then select the check boxes next to the users, groups, roles or distribution lists.
      Tip: To make the user entries visible, click Show users in the list.
    • To search for entries, click Search and, in the Search string box, type the phrase you want to search for. For search options, click Edit. Find and click the entry you want.
    • To type the name of entries you want to add, click Type and type the names of groups, roles, or users using the following format, where a semicolon (;) separates each entry:namespace/group_name;namespace/role_name;namespace/user_name;

      Here is an example:


  5. Click the Potential Owner or Stakeholder arrow button to update the Selected entries list, and click OK.
    Tip: To remove entries from the Selected entries list, select them and click Remove. To select all entries in the list, select the check box for the list.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Subject box, type the subject of the task.
  8. If required, add a completion deadline for the task in the Due Date box.
  9. If required, add a start by deadline for the task in the Start By box.
  10. Select the priority from the Priority list.
  11. In the Message box, type text directly.
  12. To add links, click Add links, select the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the Selected entries list, and click OK.
    Tip: To remove links, select them and click Remove links.
  13. If you want to set up notification options, click Advanced, otherwise move on to step 16.
  14. Select the task creation and deadline notification options as required:
    • Send notification if not started by the start date
    • Send notification if not completed by due date
  15. Select the approval request change notification options as required:
    • Started
    • Comment
    • Owner changed
    • Completed
    • Canceled
  16. Click Save.