Create an ad-hoc task to send a task to the
task inbox of the recipients you specify.
You can add
deadlines to an ad-hoc task when you create it. Alternatively, potential
owners or stakeholders can add deadlines at a later date, by updating
the task from their task inbox.
You can set up notification
options for the task owner to receive e-mails when
- an ad-hoc task is not completed by the due date
- an ad-hoc task is not started by the start date
Note: Stakeholders are also copied on these e-mails.
addition, you can set up notification options for the task owner and
all stakeholders to receive e-mails when
- the status of an ad-hoc task changes (started, completed or canceled)
- the owner of an ad-hoc task changes
- a comment is added to an ad-hoc task
Note: Potential owners and stakeholders can unsubscribe
from receiving specific notifications by updating the task from their
task inbox.
- View your task inbox.
- From the task drop-down list, select New Task
- In the reading pane, click Add/Remove recipients.
The Select recipients page appears.
- Select the required users, groups, roles, and distribution
lists to add as potential owners and stakeholders.
- Click the Potential Owner or Stakeholder arrow
button to update the Selected entries list,
and click OK.
Tip: To
remove entries from the Selected entries list,
select them and click Remove. To select all
entries in the list, select the check box for the list.
- Click OK.
- In the Subject box, type the subject
of the task.
- If required, add a completion deadline for the task in
the Due Date box.
- If required, add a start by deadline for the task in the Start
By box.
- Select the priority from the Priority list.
- In the Message box, type text directly.
- To add links, click Add links, select
the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the Selected
entries list, and click OK.
Tip: To remove links, select them and click Remove
- If you want to set up notification options, click Advanced,
otherwise move on to step 16.
- Select the task creation and deadline notification options
as required:
- Send notification if not started by the start date
- Send notification if not completed by due date
- Select the approval request change notification options
as required:
- Started
- Comment
- Owner changed
- Completed
- Canceled
- Click Save.