Create a URL

A URL is a standard way of identifying the location for any external file or Web site. Create URLs to keep the files and Web sites you use most frequently at your fingertips. Clicking a URL opens the file or Web site in the browser. After opening a URL, click the back button in your browser to return to the portal.

The URL must contain a valid server name that is included in the valid domains list, as specified by your administrator. Otherwise, you cannot create the URL.

Administrators maintain the list of valid domains in IBM® Cognos® Configuration, in the IBM Cognos Application Firewall category, the Valid domains or host property. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.


  1. In IBM Cognos Connection, go to the folder where you want to create the new URL.
  2. Click the new URL button New URL icon on the toolbar.
  3. In the Name box, type the name of the new URL.
  4. If you want, in the Description and in the Screen tip box, you can type a description of the entry.

    The description appears in the portal when you set your preferences to use the details view Personalize the Portal.

  5. In the URL box, type the URL location.

    If the URL points to a Web site address, the protocol must be included. For example, to create a URL for the IBM Cognos Web site, type

    The URL must use a valid domain, as specified by your administrator. To view a list of acceptable domains, click View acceptable domains.

  6. If you do not want to use the target folder shown under Location, choose another location:
    • Click Select another folder, select the target folder, and click OK. If the folder box is empty, go back one folder level using the path in the Select a location (Navigate) window.
    • Click Select My Folders as the location.
  7. Click Finish.


In the portal, URL entries are identified by the URL icon URL icon.