Displaying thumbnails from Business Insight version 10.1.0

In IBM® Cognos® Business Insight version 10.1.1 and IBM Cognos Workspace version 10.2.0 and later versions, new thumbnails replaced the thumbnails that were used in Business Insight version 10.1.0. If you want to continue using the thumbnails that appeared in version 10.1.0, you can do so by changing the default timeout value in the config.properties file.


  1. Go to the location c10_installation_location\dropins\com.ibm.cognos.bux.service.atom_1.0.0\com\ibm\cognos\bux\service\atom
  2. Open the config.properties file.
  3. Find the property atom.config.rds.thumbnail.waitThreshold = 0.

    The timeout value is set to 0 seconds by default.

  4. Increase the value of the atom.config.rds.thumbnail.waitThreshold property from 0 to 60 seconds for example, atom.config.rds.thumbnail.waitThreshold = 60


Because the thumbnail images for Business Insight version 10.1.1 and Cognos Workspace version 10.2.0 and later versions cannot be retrieved in the specified time, the version 10.1.0 thumbnail images are displayed instead.