Upgrade the system.xml Files to IBM Cognos Version 10.1

The IBM® Cognos® presentation service supports automatic upgrade of the system.xml files.

You can use this approach if many custom changes were made in a previous version of IBM Cognos and implementing these changes manually in IBM Cognos version 10.1 would be time-consuming.

The system.xml files are upgraded to an IBM Cognos compatible version. All existing system.xml parameters can be upgraded to IBM Cognos version 10.1.

If the automatic upgrade is not successful, the system.xml file is not upgraded successfully and a message is generated in the server log. If this occurs, you can perform the upgrade manually using one of the following files in the installation_location/templates/ps directory:

  • for UNIX operating system, system_upgrade.sh
  • for Microsoft Windows operating system, system_upgrade.bat

Note: As a general approach, we recommend that you edit the system.xml files manually using a UTF-8-based XML or text editor.


  1. Back up the IBM Cognos version 10.1 system.xml files and the customized system.xml files from the prior version of IBM Cognos.
  2. Copy the customized system.xml files from the installation directory to the corresponding directory in the IBM Cognos version 10.1 installation directory. For example, copy the system.xml file from the c10_location/templates/ps directory to the c10_location/templates/ps directory.

    Note: You must copy all system.xml files that require upgrade. The process cannot be repeated for each file separately.

  3. Restart the IBM Cognos service.

    If the automatic upgrade fails, do a manual upgrade as follows:

    • on Windows, open a DOS prompt and from the c10_location/templates/ps directory run the system_upgrade.bat file.
    • on UNIX, from the c10_location/templates/ps directory, run the ./system_upgrade.sh file.