By default, the headers and footers in expanded
report parts in the IBM® Cognos® Workspace content pane
are hidden.
You can choose to show the headers and
footers if they contain important information in your environment.
This is a global setting that applies to all IBM Cognos Workspace
content pane headers and footers.
- Stop the IBM Cognos service.
- Open the file c10_location\dropins\\com\ibm\cognos\bux\service\atom\
in any text editor.
- Change the following properties to "true":
= false
atom.filters.entry.showReportPartsFooters = false
- Save and close the file.
- Using IBM Cognos Configuration, restart IBM Cognos software.
For more information about restarting IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
When IBM Cognos Workspace users expand report parts
in the content pane, the headers and footers are shown.