Estimating the size of a report

You can use typical reports to determine the size of the content that is transferred over the wireless carrier's network to the mobile device.


  1. Remove all reports from the mobile device.
  2. Run the report that you want to know the size of.
  3. On your desktop browser, type the following request: http://servername/alias/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi/mobileService?mob_op=about
  4. If you have security enabled, log on.

    Ensure that you log on as the same user that ran the report on the mobile device.

    A small XML document appears. Within the document there is a section that looks like the following example showing the number 28. The actual number you see depends on your report:


    Tip: Because you have only one report, only one number should appear. If you see multiple numbers separated by colons, this means that you did not delete all reports. You must delete all reports and repeat steps 1 to 3.
  5. Type the following request, replacing the number 28 with the number that you obtained in step 4: http://servername/alias/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi/mobileService?mob_op=downloadDB&mob_ir=28

    The response to this request is the actual report contents.

  6. Save this response as a file, and record its size.

    This file is what is transferred over the network.

  7. Repeat these steps for a number of typical reports to get an idea of the amount of data that your mobile users use.