Access an IBM Cognos Connection Page

Using a URL, you can quickly access any IBM® Cognos® Connection page. For example, if you use a corporate portal not supported by Portal Services, and use IBM Cognos portlets to populate frames in that portal, you can embed any IBM Cognos Connection page using the page URL. This page appears in a targeted frame, using your corporate look and feel.

Before you can access an IBM Cognos Connection page using URLs, you must prepare the page for standalone access Preparing a Page for Standalone Access.


In a browser, type a URL using the following parameters:

The parameters for starting a page are as follows:

  • gateway

    Full prefix that identifies the IBM Cognos BI gateway. For example, localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi.

  • m=portal/cc.xts

    Identifies the component interface.

  • m_page=path:[search path]

    Identifies an IBM Cognos Connection page. For more information, see Using Search Paths and Page IDs.

  • style=[stylesheet]

    Identifies the .css file that overrides the default IBM Cognos BI style.

    The IBM Cognos Connection pages use the IBM Cognos BI stylesheet by default. You can use your own corporate style to maintain a consistent look and feel of your page. To do so, edit the URL to set the style=[stylesheet] parameter to the location of the required .css file. For example, style=http://myserver/mystyles.css.

  • ui=h1

    Hides some of the IBM Cognos BI user interface elements.

    When an IBM Cognos Connection page appears as a portion of another Web page, some of its user interface elements, such as headers, links, and toolbars, may became redundant. You can hide these elements and leave only the required content of the page. In this example, h1 hides the main IBM Cognos Connection header.

  • m_pagemode=view

    Hides some of the portlet user interface elements, and makes the page read-only.

    Some of the portlet user interface elements, such as frames around the portlets and title bars, may become redundant when the portlet appears within another page. You can hide these elements.