Modifying or refreshing your data set

Modify or refresh your personal data set to make changes before you publish it to Cognos® Connection.

Before you begin

You must first create a data set.


  1. Unless you are still viewing the Import data page after creating a data set, follow these steps:
    1. In the upper-right corner, click My Area Options My area icon, My Data Sets.
    2. Under Actions, click Edit Data Set Edit Data Set icon for the data set that you want to modify.
  2. If you want to remove columns, deselect the corresponding check boxes in the left pane.

    In the preview pane, the deselected columns disappear from the table.

  3. If you want to change metadata for a column, click the edit button and select a different Default Summary value.
  4. If you want to refresh all of the data with an updated Excel or text file, click Browse, double click the new file, and then click Open.
    Tip: If you browse to the wrong file, a message states that at least one column has changed and that existing reports may not run. You can then go back and select the correct file.
  5. If you want your data to appear as a package in Cognos Connection, you can publish your data set.
  6. To leave the data set unpublished, click Close.
    Tip: There is no need to publish if data has changed but the metadata is the same.