Reconfigure the Remote Server

If the default remote server configuration does not apply to your installation, or you want to change the configuration, you can change the configuration settings by modifying the file. Then, you must rebuild the remote server (cps-wci.war), and start it by deploying it to an active webapps folder for your Web application server.

The following remote server parameters can be changed.

Table 1. Remote server configuration properties - deploying portlets to Oracle WebCenter Interaction portal




Specifies the URL to connect to the IBM® Cognos® server and extract the WSDL information.

The default value of http://localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi/wsrp/cps4/portlets/[package]?wsdl& specifies that the IBM Cognos gateway is configured on the same server as the remote server that it is running. In this situation, IBM Cognos Business Intelligence can be accessed through a CGI gateway. If not, this parameter must be modified accordingly.

Here are a few more examples of values for this parameter:

  • http://myserver/servletgateway/wsrp/cps4/portlets/[package]?wsdl&b_action=cps.wsdl

    Specifies an IBM Cognos servlet gateway installation on the server named myserver.

  • http://myserver/ISAPIgateway/wsrp/cps4/portlets/[package]?wsdl&b_action=cps.wsdl

    Specifies an IBM Cognos ISAPI gateway installation on the server named myserver.


Specifies the names of cookies that must be forwarded to the IBM Cognos server for single signon purposes.

If the single signon mechanism for the installation depends on a specific active credential cookie, it is necessary to pass this cookie from the WebCenter Interaction server to the IBM Cognos server.

Default: null


Specifies the value of the shared secret key.

This parameter is optional. Use it only when your environment is configured to use the shared secret single signon mechanism. When this parameter is specified, the user's identity is sent to the IBM Cognos server through an HTTP header variable that is encrypted using the value of the shared secret.

The value of this parameter must be identical to the one specified in IBM Cognos Configuration. For more information, see Configuring Security for Portal Services.


The namespace ID for the Custom Java™ Provider.


  1. Stop your application server, such as Tomcat, or stop the remote server application.
  2. Remove the existing remote server by doing one of the following:
    • For Tomcat, delete the cps-wci folder and the cps-wci war file from the c10_location\webapps directory.
    • For other application servers, follow the instructions in their administration guides.
  3. Open the file.

    The file is located in the c10_location/cps/oracle/webapps/gadgets/WEB-INF/classes directory.

  4. Change the settings as required and save the file.
  5. Copy all the WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) jar files from the devkit folder to c10_location\cps\oracle\webapps\gadgets\WEB-INF\lib.
  6. Rebuild the remote server by running the following batch file:
    • for Microsoft Windows operating system, c10_location\cps\oracle\build.bat
    • for UNIX or Linux operating systems, c10_location\cps\oracle\

    The configuration settings for the remote server (cps-wci.war) are changed.

  7. Start the remote server. For more information, see Start the Remote Server.


You can now import the Cognos portlet package file. For more information, see Import the Cognos Portlet Package File.