Remove Yourself from an Alert List

To remove yourself from an alert list for a report or agent, use the My Watch Items area of the portal.

When you are added to an alert list, you receive an email notification when the report, or report associated with the agent task, is saved. After removing yourself from an alert list, you are no longer alerted.

Tip: You can also add or remove yourself from an alert list for a report using the Report tab of the Set Properties page Adding or Removing Yourself from the Alert List for a Report. For an agent, you can use the Agents tab of the Set Properties page Adding Yourself to or Remove Yourself from an Alert List for an Agent.


  1. In IBM® Cognos® Connection, in the upper-right corner, click My Area Options My area icon, My Watch Items.
  2. Click the Alerts tab, and in the Source column, click the alert list to remove.

    You can select multiple alert lists.

  3. Click the remove me from the alert list button.
  4. Click the refresh button.

    Note that the alert list is removed from the Source column.