Searching for entries using name, description, and name or description

In IBM® Cognos® Connection, you can search for entries whose name, description, or both match the string entered in the search criteria. These types of searches do not require a search index.

When the Name, Description, and Name or description options are used for searching, search ignores capitalization.

The following table shows examples of search and results.

Table 1. Search examples and results

Search definition

Search example

Search result

Contains the exact string

Report 1

"Report 1", "Report 100", "Copy of Report 1"

Starts with the exact string


"report 1", "Report 100"

Matches the exact string


"Report", "report"

Only entries for which you have access permissions are included in the search results.

For information about multilingual searches, see Searching for an entry in multiple languages.


  1. For name, description, or name and description searches, go to the highest level folder that you want to include in your search.

    Tip: You can increase or limit the folders to include in your search by changing the Scope when you enter the search criteria.

  2. From the Search Options, specify one of the following:
    • Name field
    • Description field
    • Name or description field
  3. Click the search button Search icon on the toolbar.
  4. In the search box, type the phrase that you want to search for.
  5. Click Advanced.
  6. Choose the type of match between the search string and the results:
    • To return entries that include the search string somewhere in the name or description, click Contains the exact string.
    • To return entries whose name or description begins with the search string, click Starts with the exact string.
    • To return entries whose name or description matches the search string word for word, click Matches the exact string.
  7. In the Type box, click the type of entry to search for.

    Tip: To search for all shortcuts in the selected location, click Shortcuts.

  8. In the Modified box, click the date that the entry was last modified.

    For example, if you want the search to return entries that were updated in the last week, click In last week.

    Note: This option is only available in the Cognos namespace.

  9. In the Scope box, click the folders you want to include in the search.
  10. Click the Search button Search icon.

    The entries matching the search criteria and for which you have permissions to view appear at the bottom of the screen under Results.

    Tip: To open an entry, click its link.