Set up the Essbase cube sample

To set up the Essbase cube sample, you must have Oracle Essbase and Essbase Integration Services Console installed.

Alternatively, you can set up the smaller Essbase cube which is a filtered version of the full version, GODWENU. To set up the small version, unzip, load the otl and txt file in the Essbase environment before you follow the precedure.


  1. Go to the c10_location\webcontent\samples\datasources\cubes\Essbase\Outlines_and_Raw_Data directory.

    This directory contains zip files for the different languages, such as or for English and Japanese, respectively.

  2. Unzip the file for your language.

    Each zip file contains the following two files:

    • languageU_Data.txt, such as ENU_Data.txt or JAU_Data.txt.
    • GODWlanguageU.otl, such as GODWENU.otl or GODWJAU.otl.
  3. Using block storage in Essbase, create a Unicode application.
  4. Within the application, create a new database.

    You can use GODWlanguageU, such as GODWENU or GODWJAU, as your database name, or use the name of your choice.

  5. Copy and paste the GODWlanguageU.otl file in your database directory.
  6. If the database name specified in step 4 is different than GODWlanguageU, rename the GODWlanguageU.otl file to match the database name that you created.

    Confirm that you want to overwrite the otl file.

  7. In Essbase Administration Services console, open your database outline and save it.

    Confirm that you want to save the outline even if it was not changed.

  8. Copy the languageU_Data.txt file and paste it in the same directory as the otl file.
  9. In Essbase Administration Services console, right-click the database you created and select Load Data.
  10. Browse to the languageU_Data.txt file in your database directory, select the file, and click OK.
  11. After the data loads successfully, right-click the database and select Execute Calculation.
  12. Select the default calculation, and click OK.

    The calculation process may take up to 5 hours, depending on the computer where Essbase OLAP Server is installed.


You can now create a data source connection to the cube.