View a list of suspended entries for a specific day

You can view a list of suspended entries for a specific day.


  1. In the Filter section for upcoming activities, under Day select a date, and under Status click Suspended.
  2. Click Apply.

    The list shows the suspended entries for that day.

    You can run, cancel, or reschedule suspended entries. To perform an action on an individual entry, click the arrow to the right of the entry and select the action that you want. To perform an action on several entries, select the check box for the entries you want, and then click the appropriate button on the toolbar.

    The following table specifies the actions available for entries and the associated icons:

    Table 1. View a list of suspended entries for a specific day actions and icons



    Show Details (top right-hand corner)

    Show details icon

    Hide Details (top right-hand corner)

    Hide details icon

    Cancel the run (Actions menu beside entry)

    Cancel icon

    Suspend entries (Actions menu beside entry)

    Suspend icon

    Run suspended entries (Actions menu beside entry)

    Release icon

    Re-schedule a run that was canceled (Actions menu beside entry)

    Schedule icon

    Set Priority (Actions menu beside entry)

    Set priority icon

    Tip: To select all entries in the list, select the check box for the list.