Change the Axis Scale of a Chart

By default, IBM® Cognos® Workspace Advanced automatically determines the minimum and maximum scale values for the axes in a chart.

For example, a Y-axis showing revenue values might have an axis range of zero dollars to one million dollars. You can customize the axis scale, or range, to make your chart easier to understand. You can specify the following for each axis:

  • the maximum and minimum values of the range
  • how often major and minor gridlines appear


  1. Select the axis chart object.
  2. In the Properties pane, click Axis range.
  3. To set a maximum value for this axis, under Maximum, click Manual, and then type a maximum value in the Manual box.
    Note: You can use either a positive or negative value as the maximum value.
  4. To set a minimum value for this axis, under Minimum, click Manual, and then type a minimum value in the Manual box.
    Note: You can use either a positive or negative value as the minimum value.
  5. To set the position of major gridlines and tick marks, under Major interval, click Manual, and then type the distance between major gridlines and tick marks in the Manual box.

    The distance between major gridlines and tick marks is measured in the units of that axis. For example, if the axis is revenue in dollars, type the dollar value in the Manual box.

  6. To add minor gridlines, type the number of minor gridlines that you want to see between each major gridline in the Number of minor intervals box.