Adding a Baseline to a Chart

Baselines are horizontal or vertical lines that cut through the chart to indicate major divisions in the data.

For example, you can add a baseline to show a sales quota or break-even point.

Each baseline represents a value on an axis.

Depending on the type of chart, you can use the following options to position the baseline.

Option Description

Numeric Value

Uses a static numeric value.


Uses the statistical mean plus or minus a number of standard deviations based on all charted data values on the specified axis.

Percentile (%)

Uses a specified percentile.

Percent on Axis (%)

Uses a percentage of the full range of the axis.

For example, if the axis range is -500 to 1100, a Percent along axis (%) value of 25 puts the baseline at -100 (25% of the range, 1600).

If you apply more than one baseline, you can specify in which order they should be drawn when the report runs. They are drawn from top to bottom. If you have two baselines with the same coordinates, the first one in the list is drawn first and the next one is drawn on top of the first one.

By default, the baseline and its label appear in the legend.

Baselines do not support color transparency.


  1. Select the chart object.
  2. Depending on your chart and the type of baseline you want to add, in the Properties pane, click Numeric baselines or Category baselines.
  3. Click the new button new icon and choose the type of baseline from the list.
  4. Specify the necessary criteria for the baseline position.
  5. Under Baseline Properties, type a label for the baseline and specify the line style.

    Tip: To remove the baseline from the legend, delete the label.

  6. If you add more than one baseline, specify their order using the up and down arrows.

    Tip: To delete a baseline, click the delete button delete icon.

  7. To edit a baseline, select the baseline in the chart, and in the Properties pane, edit the properties.