Create a Simple Calculation

You can select items in your report and create simple calculations. In addition to simple arithmetic calculations, you can perform numeric, string, date and time, and interval calculations.

The following table defines the available numeric calculations.

Table 1. Descriptions of numeric calculations



- data item

When you select one numeric data item, inserts the negative of the current value.


For numeric data items, inserts the absolute value.


For numeric data items, inserts a number rounded to the nearest integer.

Round up

For numeric data items, inserts a number rounded to the nearest integer.

Round down

For numeric data items, inserts a number rounded to the integer closest to zero.


Summarizes, or rolls up, all the values in a hierarchy.


Calculates the value of the first item selected as a percentage of the second item.

% Difference

Calculates the difference between two items as a percentage.

% of total

Calculates the value of the item as a percentage of the total for the report.

Note: Expression definition: total(x) / total(total(x) for report)

% Of Base

Takes the first selected member from edge A and the second selected member from edge B. The calculation result of a percent of base compare all of the values for member A to the intersect value of members A and B.

Note: This calculation is only available if you select two members from different hierarchies, each from a different edge.


Allows you to specify your own value when performing a simple arithmetic calculation. Also allows you to change the order of operands, or type a custom name for the new calculated row or column.

The following table defines the available string calculations.

Table 2. Descriptions of string calculations



Remove trailing spaces

For string data items, removes any extra spaces that appear after the last character in the string. Spaces between words are not removed.

Extra spaces can sometimes cause unexpected results when you sort, filter, or search.

First ? characters

For string data items, truncates the text to show only the first number of characters that you specify.

Last ? characters

For string data items, truncates the text to show only the last number of characters that you specify.

The following table defines the available date and time calculations.

Table 3. Descriptions of date and time calculations



Add ? years

Add ? months

Add ? days

When selecting one date or time data item, adds the specified number of years, months, or days to the selected value.

Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second

When selecting one date or time data item, shows the year, month number, day number, hour, minute, or second value.

The following table defines the available interval calculations.

Table 4. Descriptions of interval calculations




For interval data items, such as number of days between two dates

If you want to create a more advanced calculation that uses mathematical functions, create a query calculation.


  1. Select the items in your report to calculate.

    Tip: Shift+click or Ctrl+click to select multiple items.

  2. Click the insert calculation button insert calculation icon and select the calculation to perform.
    Note: Only calculations that are applicable to the items that you have selected appear.
  3. To change the order of the operands or the name of the calculated item added to the report, click Custom.


The calculation appears as a new row or column in your report.