Customize a Gauge Chart

You can customize the gauge border, axes, lines, pivot, and needle to make the chart easier to read.

Figure 1. The elements of a gauge chart
parts of a gauge chart, including the border, gauge axis, axis line, gauge pivot, gauge needle, and gridline

Unless indicated in the user interface, all sizes are a percentage of the maximum allowed.

If your gauge chart includes a border, long axis labels, such as 250,000,000, might overlap the gauge border and be difficult to read. To avoid this problem, customize the data format of your gauge chart measure and reduce the scale so that fewer zeros are displayed. Or change the gauge border color or size or remove the border.


  1. Click the gauge chart object.
  2. If you want to change the size, shape, and color of the center pivot point, in the Properties pane, click Gauge pivot, and specify the style.
  3. If you want to customize the border around the gauge, in the Properties pane, click Gauge border.
  4. If you want to change the indicators in the gauge axis, select the gauge axis object in the chart and do the following steps:
    • To customize the gauge needles, in the Properties pane, click Gauge needle and specify the style
    • To change, add, or remove color bands that indicate the data range positions, in the Properties pane, click Gauge axis colors and specify the color palette.
    • To change the gridlines, in the Properties pane, click Gridlines or Minor gridlines and specify the style.
    • To change the appearance of the gauge axis line, click Axis line and specify the style.