Sharing sets between reports

When you are working with dimensional data, you can share a set to make it available for inclusion in multiple reports.

You must first create a set in a source crosstab report, create a shared set definition, then refer to it in a target report.

A shared set definition is copied from one report to another. As a result, the set definition must not depend on any context from the source report. For example, it must meet the following criteria:

  • It cannot reference other shared sets.
  • It cannot reference other data items.
  • It cannot contain calculated members.

You cannot change the definition of a shared set from within the target report. However, you can carry out other set operations on it, such as excluding a member or creating a top 10 list.


  1. In the source crosstab report, create a set that you want to share.
  2. Select the set. In the Properties pane, in the Sharing property, enter a name and description for the set.
  3. Save the report.
  4. In the Source tab source tab, right-click the model. Click Add Shared Set Report.
  5. In the Open box, select the source report that contains the shared set definition. If it does not exist, a new folder that is called Shared Sets is created. It is displayed at the bottom of the source tree.
  6. Optional: To add, delete, or change the order of reports in the Shared Sets folder, right-click the folder and click Manage Shared Set Reports.
  7. Create or open a crosstab target report that you want to refer to the shared set definition.
  8. In the Source tab source tab, open the Shared Sets folder. Open the source report that contains the shared set definition that you want to use.
  9. Add the shared set definition into your target report.
  10. Right-click the shared set in the target report and click Edit Set.
  11. In the Set Definition box, select the shared set.
  12. Click Edit edit icon. The Set Reference Properties window opens.
  13. Set the Inclusion property.
    1. Select Run time to retrieve the latest shared set definition every time that the report runs.
    2. Select Design time to store the shared set definition in the target report. This definition is used until you refresh it.
  14. Click OK, then save the report.