Assess applications in your environment before you upgrade
For example, you might have many applications in your environment. However, it is not uncommon to find that a number of applications are not used or no longer meet your requirements.
Assessing your applications is a useful exercise because it can reduce the number of applications to consider during an upgrade.
An audit of your existing applications can include the following tasks:
Do a site survey to assess the current production environment and identify areas that require attention during the upgrade. The site survey includes information about the infrastructure, applications, users, and configuration settings.
Assess the software that you use in your environment and create a list of the software, such as operating systems, web servers, security providers, and databases.
To review an up-to-date list of environments that are supported by IBM Cognos Business Intelligence products, including information on operating systems, patches, browsers, web servers, directory servers, database servers, and application servers, see the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports page (
Complete a detailed assessment of your applications. The usage, age, size, and complexity of your applications are important factors to consider when planning the upgrade. The total size of the applications can have an impact on the time required to complete the upgrade.
List the following information about your configuration:
- Configuration settings that you enabled in IBM® Cognos® Configuration
Installing the new version of the product in a different location than the existing version lets you compare the settings between the two version. To run the two versions you must ensure that you use unique port numbers, web server aliases, and unique content store databases.
- Changes to other configuration files
You must manually change other configuration files during the upgrade. If you changed other configuration files, you must assess the changes that you want to preserve in the upgraded environment. This might include .xml, .txt, and .css files in the configuration, templates, webapps, and webcontent directories.
Note: If you have modified .ini files, please contact Customer Support to determine whether the changes are supported in the new version of the software.
- Configuration settings that you enabled in IBM® Cognos® Configuration
Back up your content store database.
After your audit is complete, you can create an upgrade plan.
Guidelines when upgrading your operating system
- Check the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports page ( to ensure that the IBM Cognos BI version supports the version of the operating system you are thinking of moving to.
- Ensure that the third-party software that is used by IBM Cognos BI is supported on the proposed operating system version. Third-party software would include components, such as database and database drivers, application servers, web servers, and browsers.
- Determine whether you must recompile IBM Cognos BI SDK applications.
- Determine whether you must re-create web deployments, which include web archive (.war) files and enterprise archive (.ear) files.