Upgrade process

Every upgrade requires a plan, and each plan follows the same basic upgrade process.

You must plan your upgrade so that you know what to expect at each stage of the process. In the planning stage, you can review the upgrade documentation for information about expected behavior, new features, deprecated features, compatibility between versions, and requirements for preparing your production environment. When you finish the review, you can then conduct a site survey to identify the BI infrastructure, applications, reports, and custom configuration settings. Finally, you can test the upgrade on a subset of your data so that you can fine-tune your reports and data before committing to the full upgrade.

When planning your upgrade, ensure that you perform the following tasks:

Deployment and testing is usually an iterative process. Assess any differences between the source and target environments. Move to your production environment when you are satisfied that the deployed applications meet your business requirements.

The following diagram shows a general upgrade workflow and the stages in the upgrade process. The process includes the following stages:

Figure 1. Upgrade process
Upgrade process