Configure Cognos Web Part connection settings

After adding a Cognos® Web Part to your pages in Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, you can edit the connection settings using the Edit Web Parts command.

Cognos connection settings are pre-populated in SharePoint with the values that you specified in the solution file prior to deployment. These settings can be changed in SharePoint. Ensure that you are in edit mode before you make changes to the page.

In SharePoint 2010, you can change the following connection settings: the WSDL location, Gateway URL, Webcontent URL, and the security settings. By editing these settings, you can specify a different Cognos server for each Web Part.

For more information about the Cognos connection settings, see Rebuilding the solution file.

For information about adding the Cognos Web Parts to SharePoint pages, see the SharePoint Portal Server help. To add a Cognos Web Part, go to the Miscellaneous folder.