Deploying Cognos Portlets to Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2007 and 2010

You deploy Cognos® portlets to the portal server so that users can add the portlets to their pages.

In Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, portlets are called Web Parts.

You can deploy from the following portlet groups:

  • IBM® Cognos Content

    This group includes IBM Cognos Navigator, IBM Cognos Search, and IBM Cognos Viewer.

  • IBM Cognos Extended Applications

    This group includes the IBM Cognos Extended Applications portlet.

    To deploy this portlet, IBM Cognos Software Development Kit must be installed.

  • IBM Cognos Metric Studio

    This group includes IBM Cognos Metric List, IBM Cognos History Chart, IBM Cognos Impact Diagram, and IBM Cognos Custom Diagram.

    To deploy these portlets, IBM Cognos Metrics Manager Server must also be installed.

Before you begin

Before deploying the Cognos portlets, ensure that IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, including IBM Cognos Connection and Portal Services, is installed and configured. Also ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • You have administration access to the IIS server computer that hosts SharePoint.
  • You have administration access to the IBM Cognos BI installation directory c10_location/cps/sharepoint.
  • WSS Language Template Pack, required for other supported languages is installed, one for each language.

Ensure that your operating system is updated with any necessary patches. For more information, see the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports page (


  1. Deploy IBM Cognos Web Parts.
  2. Configure IBM Cognos Web Parts.
  3. Restart IIS.
  4. Configure Cognos Web Part connection settings.
  5. Configure Cognos Web Part preferences.
  6. For 2010: Configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).


After you deploy the portlets, you can configure security for your SharePoint Portal Server environment. For more information, see Configuring Security for Portal Services and the Installation and Configuration Guide.