Notification Requests

You can create a notification request with an option for recipients to acknowledge the request. You can also specify deadlines for acknowledgements.

A notification request can have various recipients:

The status of a notification request can be

Notifications can also be created in IBM Cognos Event Studio. For more information, see the Event Studio User Guide.


When a notification request is created, you can request an acknowledgement from each recipient included on the To list.

Note: Stakeholders (CC list recipients) do not have the option to acknowledge notification requests.


When a notification request is created, you can include an acknowledgement deadline. You can also specify that an e-mail is sent to each recipient on the To list who does not acknowledge a notification request by the deadline date. On the deadline date, a separate e-mail is sent to stakeholders on the CC list informing them that some recipients on the To list have not acknowledged the notification request.

Tip: A stakeholder can verify who has acknowledged a notification request by checking e-mails or the audit tables.

When all the To list recipients have acknowledged the request, the deadline is canceled.