Add Data Formats for a New Locale

The cogformat.xml file contains most locales already. However, if necessary, you can add data formats for a new locale.

Add a block of XML code for each of the data formats type.


  1. Copy and paste a similar block of XML code for each data format type. For example, if you want to add a new locale such as en-xx, copy and paste the XML code that defines time formats for the en-CA (English Canadian) locale:
    <formatList name="qstimes" xml:lang="en-ca">
      <timeFormat timeStyle="short">1:30 PM</timeFormat>
      <timeFormat timeStyle="medium">1:30:55 PM</timeFormat>
      <timeFormat timeStyle="long">1:30:55 EST PM</timeFormat>
      <timeFormat timeStyle="full">1:30:55 o&apos;clock
    PM EST</timeFormat>
  2. Change the name of the locale. For example, for the new locale en-xx, change the first line of the copied code to:
    <formatList name="qstimes" xml:lang="en-xx">
  3. Change the data formats as required, following the instructions in one of the following sections:
  4. Make similar changes for the other data format types for the new locale.