Copying user profiles
You may want to copy a user profile.
Copying a user profile is useful in the following situations:
- A user changes names and you are setting up an account in the new name.
- A user moves to another namespace or your organization changes namespaces and you must set up new accounts.
- You are creating many new similar user accounts.
If you plan to delete the source user in your authentication provider, copy the user account information before you delete it. After you delete the user, the user no longer appears in IBM® Cognos® software and you cannot copy the user's account information.
You can only work with profiles of users who have logged in at least once. When users log on, a date is displayed in the Modified column and the user name changes into a link.
Before you begin
To copy user profiles, you must have write permissions for the namespaces for both the source and target users.
Tip: When you copy a user profile, trusted credentials are not