Create a Custom Style Manually

You can manually create a custom style by modifying an existing style, including the predefined styles, so that it matches your organization's user interface.

You can also use the style management utility to create custom styles. For more information, see Using the Style Management Utility.

When creating a custom style manually, you can do the following:

  • Change colors, fonts, images, and some layout properties.

    Modify the associated style sheets in the c10_location/webcontent/skins/style directory.

  • Rename the styles using IBM Cognos Administration so that the names are more appropriate for your environment, see Modify a Style. Note that renamed styles cannot be used to create other new styles using the style management utility.
  • Rename the style directories in the c10_location/webcontent/skins directory.

    Do not rename the corporate directory, see Customized Environment and the Corporate Style.

    When making your changes, you must ensure that the structure of the custom style directory matches the structure of the predefined styles directories.


  1. In the c10_location/webcontent/skins directory, make a copy of an existing style directory and rename it.

    For example, make a copy of the corporate directory and rename it to standard.

  2. In the new directory, modify the style sheets, graphics, or fonts as required.
  3. In IBM Cognos Administration, add a new style object and associate it with the style directory created in step 1. For more information, see Add a New Style.

    The new style is now available in My Preferences, see Personalize the Portal.