Start the Remote Server

The remote server is an IBM® Cognos® Web application that serves as an interface between the core IBM Cognos components and the WebCenter Interaction portal. The remote server application is the cps-wci.war file installed with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence in the c10_location\cps\oracle\gadgets directory.

By default, after IBM Cognos BI is installed, the remote server is not started. It must be started if you want to use Cognos portlets in a WebCenter Interaction portal.

You can deploy the remote server to another server. Ensure that the settings are configured properly so that the remote server can access an IBM Cognos gateway.

You can start the remote server in its default configuration state. However, the default remote server works only if the following conditions are met:

  • IBM Cognos BI is configured with a CGI gateway.
  • The remote server runs on the same server as the IBM Cognos gateway, which can be accessed using http://localhost/ibmcognos.

If these conditions do not apply to your installation, you must change the configuration settings for the remote server before you start it.

To start the remote server, you must deploy the remote server into an active webapps folder:

  • For Tomcat, copy the cps-wci.war file from the c10_location\cps\oracle\gadgets directory into the c10_location\webapps folder.

    Tomcat automatically updates all affected directories and starts the remote server. The process may take a few minutes.

  • For other application servers, follow the instructions in their administration guides.
  • If you use the default settings, then copy all the WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) jar files from the devkit folder to c10_location\webapps\cps-wci\WEB-INF\lib after it is created.

You can now import the Cognos Portlet Package File. For instructions, see Import the Cognos Portlet Package File.