To create reports in IBM® Cognos® Workspace
Advanced, you must become familiar with the Cognos Workspace Advanced environment, including
the user interface, the basic report layout, and setting options.
The user interface
IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced has
a work area, content and properties panes, a page layers area, and
a context filter area to help you to create reports.
Work in Preview or Design Mode
By default, you see live data as you create
your report. However, to see data, you must add enough information
in your report to resolve the multi-dimensional query. You can also
switch to only see placeholder data, using the Page Design mode.
Basic Report Layout
A layout is a set of pages that defines the appearance
and formatting of a report. When you design the layout of a report,
You can set various options that control the
appearance and behaviors of IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced (Tools, Options).