Item-based Calculations

You can create a calculation if you need a comparison or ratio that does not exist in the data source, such as actual revenue as a percentage of planned revenue, or the average revenue per employee.
Note: The difference between the arithmetic operation + (addition) and the analytic operation Sum is how nulls are handled in calculations: the addition of null and any number is still null. The sum of items whose values include one or more nulls results in a sum value.

You can perform the following arithmetic calculations in an analysis.

Arithmetic operation Description
+ (addition) Adds the values of the selected items.
- (difference) Subtracts the values of one selected item from another.
* (product) Multiplies the values of the selected items.
/ (division) Divides the values of the selected items.
Absolute Calculates the absolute value of the numbers in the selected item.
Round Rounds the values in the selected item to the nearest integer.
Round down Rounds the values in the selected item to the next lowest integer.
Square root Calculates the square root of the values in the selected item.

You can perform the following percentage calculations in an analysis.

Percentage operation Description
% Calculates the value of a selected item as a percentage of another item.
% of total Calculates each value of a selected item as a percentage of the total.
% difference (growth) Calculates the difference between two items as a percentage.

You can perform the following analytic calculations in an analysis.

Analytic operations Description
Sum Calculates the sum of the selected values.
Average Calculates the average of values of the selected items.
Maximum Calculates the maximum value.
Minimum Calculates the minimum value.
Median Calculates the middle value in a set of numbers.
Roll up Calculates the rolled up value.

You can perform the following ranking calculations in an analysis. By default, the highest value is ranked 1.

Ranking Description
Rank Calculates the rank of each value.
Percentile Calculates a percentile, which is a value that corresponds to one of the equal divisions in a sample. For example, a score higher than 89 percent of those attained is in the 90th percentile.
Quartile Calculates a quartile, which is a value that corresponds to the 25% point in a sample. The first quartile is the 25th percentile, the second quartile is the 50th percentile, and the third quartile is the 75th percentile.
Quantile Calculates a quantile, which is a value that divides a sample into percentiles. For example, if the specified quantile is 5, the percentiles are 20, 40, 60, 80, and100.